I developed this theory earlier today, after taking some photos of my yarn stash for Ravelry.
(I just got my invite to Ravelry, and it could not have come at a better time, since I was just talking about how if I can't see it, I forget I have it. So, I am very excited about Ravelry. But more on that in another post. Must. Tell you. About. Theory.)
My theory is this: I think there is a relationship between the amount of love I have for a yarn and my ability to take a good picture of it.

So. With that in mind, how would you say I feel about this yarn?

Wow, that yarn has, like, 4 different kinds of novelty going on with it. Impressive.
Great photo! :)
Your graph does not indicate "utter loathing" but your picture does.
That picture IS awesome! The yarn belongs, sadly, with the abandoned baby bootie. (Not that I haven't been known to occasionally stock up on novelty yarn with wild abandon myself...)
Really great photo. That's all I'm gonna say.
How did that yarn escape from the sea?
you know what they are saying: coral is the new black...
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