And then you look a little closer -- perhaps in better light -- and it's not fine.

And then you wonder, "Why did I look closer? Everything was so perfectly fine before I went and did that."
If I were a different person, I could move past the cable-like nubbin ridge (CLNR) in the middle of my Chevron scarf. I would throw caution to the wind, embrace the imperfection that is life itself, and I would move on. Not rip the thing back. Just move on.
So, next step: Get my hands on one of those devices that turns you into a different person.
I'd have to rip back too. You've worked too hard on this pretty scarf to let a little "nubbin ridge" throw you. If it makes you feel any better, I ripped out more than half of a monkey sock the other day and started from scratch.
Oh yeah, rip that sucker. This is going to be My Favorite Chevron Of All Time and I demand nothing less than perfection.
Sometimes the ripping back and starting afresh is cathartic. It is a healthy process. One of those things that you feel sort of sick that you have to do but once you've finished the scarf, you will be so glad you did it. Good luck.
(Maybe a few wii minutes of a break would calm your nerves.)
i'd rip back too -- good thing you noticed it when you did. not that much to rip back
Oh no, it's the dreaded ripping. Could you give it a quick steaming and see what it would look like blocked to maybe avoid the rip?
ugh - how frustrating! I'd have to rip back as well - especially since it's not that far back....
You guys are awesome. And so right! Here I go a-ripping! Hooray!!
Oh, and Kristy - I have to admit I'm a little too sore from Wii baseball to find comfort in the Wii at the moment (em-BARRRRR-assing)!
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