And yesterday, it became very clear that I too must make these mitts (MustMakeMitts!). While I should've been taking care of applique business, I was figuring out what to knit. Who's with me?
Everyone says these mitts are really fast. And I like fast, especially when coupled with yarn. And especially especially when every other work-in-progress around me is of epic quest proportions.
So in wandering through my yarn stash, I saw that I have the exact yarn that's called for in the Fetching mitts pattern, only in powder pink.

Ahhhh. Lovely, soft powder pink. Isn't it pretty? Now, can you imagine mitts in this color? What would begin as delightful, angelic hand-coverings would assuredly become crappy, dirty mitts in about half a second. Awesome!
Well, I guess if you're willing to walk around with your hands in the post-scrub, pre-op surgeon position all day, you could do it. And, if your lifestyle allows for that, then you should! "Excuse me. Would you mind opening that door for me? I've got these powder pink mitts, and I really can't." "Would you be a dear and carry this purse for me? It's just too dirty for my mitts." "I'm gonna need you to pour that latte directly into my mouth. Yeah. Mitts!"
Not having that lifestyle, I realized I'd need to go a different direction. My lifestyle is less of a soft powder pink, and more of a this:

It's more of an elephant-foot, multi-colored, who-can-tell-what-you've-been-up-to lifestyle.

So, I'm making these mitts, thinking the heating pad cover is great as is, and fantasizing about my next heating pad cover.
Dude, heating pad covers are so the new scarves.
The heating pad cover really is beautiful as is. The Fetching mitts really are all the craze around the knitting universe of late. I'm sure yours will be fabulous. I can sympathize with you concerning the pale pink.
I made these in chocolate brown, and gifted them to my lovely sister who looked at me and said, "What am I supposed to do with these?" Nice.
Kristy, thanks for the vote of confidence!
And Kim, so nice of you to describe your sister as "lovely" -- did you yank the mitts back immediately? If not, you are a nicer person than I. Chocolate brown sounds delicious. Hmmm...I think I have some around here somewhere...
I've seen the fetching pattern all over the internet but never in a variegated yarn like yours. Cool!
I've been on the Fetching bandwagon. I made a rust colored pair for one of my nieces, her favorite color for things wearable. She put them on and said, "I'll let you know what I think about them". Go figure.
You're not the last to make Fetching...I cast on my first pair over the weekend. They are fun and do knit up quickly! Hopefully I'll actually wear them when I'm finished.
Ok, now I'm the only one who hasn't knit a pair of these...
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