Oh! When I went to get yarn for the new mitts, Yeardley Smith was at the knitting store. You'd never know by looking at her that she could buy and sell all of us in the blink of an eye. She seemed perfectly nice. I was so busy being calm and unflapped at seeing her that I forgot to buy the needles I needed for said mitts. So calm, me.
Also, sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I'm not quite sure what happened there. I was probably loving too much, or foolishly thinking he was into me, or messing up the rules. Oh, wait. No. That's not right. Those are the things self-help books want me to think I'm doing. Instead, I think I was actually out in the world, working.
So sorry to have neglected you.
I do not particularly like fingerless mitts/gloves (or regular mitts/gloves, for that matter) and yet when I saw the Dashing pattern in the new Knitty, I found myself contemplating who I could make these for. The Fetching mitts were nice but I think the Dashing mitts are down right stellar.
I was just reading 'When Bad Things Happen to Good People' to get over the neglect.
I like the Dashing mitts, although I cannot think of when I might wear them. It will be interesting to see your version.
Why, hello there! It has been a while...
I haven't had any energy to post on my blog lately. I kept turning to my regular reads. Some were scarce... and you were gone. I cried. Well no I didn't but I'm glad you're back.
what about sweating the small stuff??
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